Time Is a Storm has been unleashed, and it's thundering across social media.
With age comes wisdom, and with age comes the ability to channel fury & love into something artistically beautiful. The release of our new album, Time Is a Storm, on July 19th has been a whirlwind for each of us. This record finally getting released, comes with a wave of relief, closure, and excitement. The songs on this album reflect the transformation of the four of us from reckless, punk twenty somethings, into mature 30 year olds that have much more to say. We've been through hell and back in individual ways, and we bring those experiences and life changing events to the creative thinking that shaped the final product of Time Is a Storm. We hope that the music we've created finds a connection with you, or a spark of armor to aid your fight in whatever you're facing. We have big plans to push this record as far as it can go, and as far as we can go. We want to thank everyone close to us throughout the timespan of this album. It was a long time in the making and we promise it won't be that long of a wait until the next one!
Whatever hell you face, remember that there is creative work out there by artists whose goal is to arm you with everything you need to face your hell head on.
Purchase Time Is a Storm today, and please share our creation with your friends.
iTunes: http://apple.co/2ad6s4Z
Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/29S3kcJ
Spotify: http://spoti.fi/29VBCwK
Google Play: http://bit.ly/29ScvYh